The 3-month course for women

who are ready to feel deeply seen, genuinely safe, and truly cherished in their romantic relationship.


  • You deeply desire to explore the depths of your unique feminine energy & create more polarity in your relationship.
  • You want a deeper sense of intimacy - emotionally and physically - so you can feel truly safe and seen. 
  • You're ready to grow and be supported in this area so you can truly experience a relationship that feels as juicy as when it first began.
I'm ready join now!

The 3-month course for women

who want vulnerable communication, intimate sex, and true connection in their romantic relationship.


  • You deeply desire to explore the depths of your feminine energy & erotic submission.
  • You're ready for more pleasure, orgasm, and intimacy in your sex life. 
  • You want to surrender more deeply into love - in your relationships & life.
I'm ready to join now!

Relationships can keep getting better and better…

But, let's be honest, most of the time they don't.

Which is why almost 50% of marriages end in divorce or separation - not to mention all of the relationships that once were full of love and butterflies, that after months or years of built up resentment, come to their bitter end when (a lot of the time) that just didn't need to be the case.

What's the issue here?

What I've seen after studying relationships for the last 7 years in my own personal journey and coaching business - is that most people are missing the vital skills to communicate effectively, create juicy intimacy, and achieve harmony longterm...

But it doesn't need to be this way.

Inside this program you will not only get the tools you need but also the space to practice and go deep while being guided and held - so that you will know how to truly have a relationship that only gets better as time goes on.

Does that mean it will be easy?

Heck no. This program is for women who are ready to commit, ready to do the work, and are willing to truly take their love life into their own hands.

Does that sound like you?

Then Intimately Yours is perfect for you.

In this course, you’ll learn how to:

Connect to your feminine energy and discover your desire, your softness, and your sensuality.

Learn how to surrender, how to honor, and how to inspire more of your partners masculine energy.

Get the tools to create hot intimacy and epic communication so that you can feel truly seen and fulfilled.

 Intimately Yours is a 3-month intensive & intimate group coaching program designed to transform your relationship for the better, forever.

Here's what you'll get when you sign up:

  • 9 120-Minute Live & Interactive Group Coaching Calls with Kelley where there will be a combination of Teaching, Coaching, and Embodiment Practices
  • 2 60 Minute 1:1 Sessions with Kelley throughout the course of the program
  • A Private Online Community to integrate what you're learning and connect with the other women in the program
  • Homework assignments between calls to bring what you're learning into your life
  • A group of sisters on this healing path with you


  • A Monthly 2-hour Live Workshop with Kelley's Favorite Guest Experts on the Juiciest Topics
  • Access to all of Kelley's Live Masterclasses & Community Bonus Calls Held While you are in the Program

Call Times:

*Below is the same time converted into different time zones.

  • Wednesdays at 4pm PST (LA)
  • Wednesdays at 6pm CST (Chicago)
  • Wednesdays at 7pm EST (New York)
  • Wednesdays at 11pm GMT (London)
  • Thursdays at 7am WITA (Bali)
  • Thursdays at 9am AEST (Sydney)

We will have a call weekly at the time above for the course of this 3-month program.

We start mid January 2022.


$3,799 USD


Pay with the payment plan or


Frequently Asked Questions