Radiant Woman - Workshop by Kelley Bode

$22.00 USD

What it is:

A 75-minute workshop on Zoom with Kelley where she’ll be breaking down:

  • The 7 curses of women - exactly what is keeping us all stuck, unsatisfied, generally burned out and disconnected from ourselves and our sensuality
  • Discover the antidote to all of that, that we all have available to us right now
  • Understand the true meaning of feminine energy (hint: it's not meek, docile, or passive)
  • Learn how to shed the societal BS & uncover your radiance and magnetism


You’ll leave with:

  • A clear understanding of feminine energy, and how it may have the power to change your life
  • The freedom to put down your shield, relax into your body and full permission to stop putting everyone and everything else first, before you take care of yourself (and what that looks like practically, for busy, modern women)
  • Clarity on "the curses of women", things that may be impacting you in your life and relationship that you hadn't even realised
  • Practical tools for improving the connection you have to yourself and your relationship
  • Feeling more radiant, sensual, intuitive and ALIVE


 Who it’s for:

Women who…

Want to understand love & relationships on a deeper level

Feel like the leaders of the household, always taking care of everyone but themselves 

Women who feel disconnected from their desires 

Want to know how to break unhealthy cycles

Are experiencing disconnection in their relationship & maybe aren’t sure of the exact cause

Want to learn some new tools that will help them have the healthy relationship they desire

Are simply ready to step into their most unapologetic, radiant, magnetic and greatest expression


This is a recording from a live workshop which you will get access to view as soon as you pay!


What People Are Saying:

I was a doer, the strong one, the controlling one. That doesn't work for me anymore. Being in my feminine energy was the missing piece.

Lena D

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